Crystal Clear Connections invites you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Our mission is to provide a sacred, welcoming space where individuals and families can come together to explore their fullest potential. We aim to assist our clients in integrating their dreams into all aspects of their lives, empowering them to reach their highest potential.
Let us be your guide as you embark on a transformative journey of self-love, healing, and personal empowerment.
This Space has been created to reflect our intention and infuse it into Our Work here on Earth.
By connecting our Sacred Earth Tribes, may we enlighten a Vision within You to Rise Up to your Fullest Potential
and Allow Crystal Clear Connections to Assist You in Integrating into the Dream Team.
Fully Activating Your Dreams in All Areas of Your Life.
This Safe Sacred Space has been created at the Highest Level to Activate your Inner Mystical Power of Inner Being — fully realizing and integrating your True Form into the Physical.
We Love it into Being with Energy Healing, Sacred Tools, and Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Development. In doing so, We Create the Galactic Ground for All.
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Are invitations to initiations
The Healing House
We have built a Home that provides Safe Sacred Space on Earth called the Healing House. This location is kept Private for Your Protection.
Your Offerings will go to filling this space with all necessary tools & furnishings for each Soul as they stay in this Space.
The Sanctuary
A Gateway to worlds Together
We have Reclaimed Land & are creating a Space for harnessing Truth & embracing Essence.
The Sanctuary provides a foundation & structure for constant Growth & Focus for You to Blossom.
On this Land…
We are also transmuting drugs & alcohol through plant medicines & energy work. Healing at the Deepest Levels so that You may reach your Highest Potential.
It is a True Embodiment of the Soul Family.
University of Universal Unity
Initiations must take place in order to Grow
As a Student of the Universe, this is your Univercity to Ground your Lessons Here on Earth.
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You will be accepted into this School just like you would a University. Classes will be available for you through the Archive of material & content. While Live classes will be held for you to interact & learn with other Students Of The Tribe.